Baby Stuff

5 Essentials I Didn’t Think I’d Need

When I was making my registry for my baby shower online, I knew to add the obvious things. Diapers, wipes, clothes, bibs; the usual. When my baby shower came, I received things that I didn’t even think about- and they have been extremely helpful. Here are five essentials I didn’t think I’d need!


  1. Gas Drops: When I received these, I knew what they were for, but I didn’t know when I would ever need them. Alexis ate Enfamil Newborn for a while, and it never occurred to me that it was causing an issue. After bottles, Alexis would cry, yell, and her stomach would be rock hard. I had no idea what to do. After bicycle legs, belly massages, and begging her to just let out a fart- I remembered the gas drops. These drops are a miracle worker. Less than ten minutes after I gave them, she started farting, her stomach wasn’t bloated-she became a new baby. After we switched formula we haven’t needed the drops since, but they were SO helpful.
  2. BabyBrezza: When we decided to fully switch from breastmilk to formula, we didn’t want to have to continue buying the nursettes, but we weren’t ready to deal with the boiling water, adding powder, and cooling water process. My mom told us about the BabyBrezza and we decided to purchase it to see if it was really worth it- it definitely is!! After the machine is set up you add your powder and water, and then choose the ounces you want, 2oz-10oz in intervals of two, and lo and behold- a premixed, ready to eat bottle at the perfect temperature. After every four bottles you need to remove the funnel and rinse it down and scrub the hole the powder comes through. Overall, this was SUCH a good purchase.
  3. Wubbanubs: Pacifiers- obvious I know. But this is specifically for Wubbanubs. I prefer these so much more than generic pacifiers. Regular ones leave dark red imprints on Alexis’ cheeks and mustache area because of how hard she sucks, but the Wubbanub is so gentle, easy to wash, and as she gets older its easy for her. She can grab the animal attached to the pacifier and move it to her mouth and take it out. She plays with the animal attached to it. We have four Wubbanubs because I find them that essential- for the diaper bag, crib, rock and play, and pack and play.
  4. Nipple Cream: When I was still feeding by pumping, nipple cream became an instant essential. The force of the pump against your nipples turns them cracked, chapped and painful. I would apply nipple cream after every pump session and it was a lifesaver. Think chapstick for your boobs! Just make sure you use nipple pads too- the cream stained one of my shirts when I went bra free after pumping! L
  5. Boppy: The Boppy is multi use- feeding, letting the baby prop up on it, tummy time when they’re a little bigger, and helping them to sit up on their own when they’re 6+ months old. The Boppy has been so helpful for us. The first week after Alexis was born, I used the Boppy to sit on because I was so sore. Now Alexis uses it to sit up against when we are hanging out as a family. It is great for breastfeeding also. I think Boppys are one of the best inventions!!
Baby Stuff

Tips for New Moms

When I got pregnant, my fiancé and I were not in a good financial state. I spent a while scouring the internet, gathering what I could to help us out in our impending future. Now, I give my list to you, hopefully these will help you the way they’ve helped us.


  1. Enfamil: This one is very close to me. I started my pregnancy journey adamant that I would breastfeed Alexis, but my body had other plans. I chose Enfamil as the formula of choice to replace the breastmilk I was no longer producing. Enfamil has a great program- you sign up and they send you free samples. When I got my free samples, it was a can of Enfamil Gentlease, a few Enfamil Newborn nursettes and some powder packets of Enfamil Infant. In the months following my birth, I received coupons in the mail for money off of any Enfamil formula, ranging from $2 off to $5 off. I collect them and keep them in the diaper bag for when we are out running our errands! They are extremely helpful and at most places I’ve gone they’ve let me use 2 coupons when I’m purchasing 2 containers of formula- so you could save up to $10 off potentially! I’m a little biased on this one because I love Enfamil and how it’s worked for Alexis!
  2. Similac: Similac has a great program called “Strong Moms”. Once I signed up and received my free samples, I got two cans of formula and some coupons. Similac has coupons that range from $5 off to $15 off. I still receive the coupons in the mail fairly often (more often than Enfamil), although I do not use their formula for my daughter. When you use your coupon and the store sends your used check back to the Similac headquarters, you receive 5 points. After 35 points you get a voucher for a free can of formula!
  3. Pampers: Pampers diapers are our diaper of choice for Alexis. Pampers has a wonderful rewards program. After you purchase your diapers/wipes, you will have a reward code in the form of a sticker on the diapers or a line of text on the wipes. Pampers reward codes can be entered on their website, or on their super convenient app on the App Store or Google Play. You earn certain point amounts for whether you redeem diapers or wipes. You have a multitude of options for what you can redeem your points on- anything from $30 off of your first Hello Fresh order to a Kiddi-O Trike.
  4. Huggies: Huggies has a similar program to Pampers, except they use receipts instead of codes. They also have a website and an app where you take a screenshot of your receipt and it adds the points to your account. You have a lot of options for rewards with Huggies- ranging from gift cards, a high chair, a diaper bag, to a box of diapers.
  5. The Doctor/Hospital: After you give birth while at the hospital- request formula samples, no matter how hard they push breast is best, it’s always good to have formula as a backup. Make sure you take home everything they have for you. In my hospital, I took home the four travel size baby body wash, the diapers, the tube of petroleum jelly, and a handful of those glorious mesh undies! At your child’s pediatrician’s office, don’t be shy on asking for formula samples! Trust me- they’re stocked. My daughters’ office gave me two 32oz ready to go containers of her formula! Even at your own gynecologist they have samples. I told them I was formula feeding at my six-week postpartum checkup and they gave me two bags- one with Similac powder formula and one with Enfamil ready to go formula and Enfamil brand vitamin D drops.
  6. Facebook: Join Facebook marketplace! There are women who are selling/giving away formula, wipes, diapers and clothes at a discounted price. I’ve gotten discounted diapers for my daughter off of Facebook. Make sure you bring someone with you to the meetup and go to a safe place in the daytime!
  7. Government Assistance: If you qualify, it is beyond worth it to apply for WIC or Food Stamps. I use WIC, and with no shame. I get 9 cans a month of my daughters’ formula and it is incredibly helpful. With WIC, you will also get food for a certain duration of time also.

The Basics

Before I start really blogging, I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Lindsay, I’m 20 years old and I’m many things- a student, an employee, a fiancée, a daughter, a friend; but most important out of all of these, I’m a mother.

I had my daughter Alexis on February 9th, 2017, which made me a teenage mother. I’m starting this blog in hopes to have a place to talk about struggles of being not only a mom in general, but a young mom, navigating my way through being a stay at home mom during the week, working on the weekend, and community college in between.

Stay tuned as I talk about my journey through motherhood, college, and everything else life throws at me.